San Francisco
Elevate Yourself and
Others With You
Our mission is to create an environment where our members feel they belong to a larger Armenian Community. Through Athletics, Scouting and Social events, we aim to instill values in our youth to appreciate their Armenian Heritage, learn Leadership and Teamwork, and foster a sense of their social responsibilities. We strive to reach individual and collective excellence, and adhere to a motto of Partsratsir - Partsratsour (Elevate Yourself and Others With You).

Our Programs
At Homenetmen San Francisco, we believe that involvement in community events and activities is a vital part of being a responsible and engaged member. There are many ways to get involved with our organization, whether you are an athlete, a scout, a parent, or simply someone who wants to contribute to our mission.

Get Involved
At Homenetmen San Francisco, we believe that involvement in community events and activities is a vital part of being a responsible and engaged member. There are many ways to get involved with our organization, whether you are an athlete, a scout, a parent, or simply someone who wants to contribute to our mission.

Become A MemberLearn about membership options for you and your family. Read More
Join A ProgramLearn about our scouting and athletics programs. Read More
VolunteerMake a positive impact, register to volunteer with us. Read More
DonateWe rely on support from people like you to keep our community active. Read More
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Shop for Homenetmen branded clothing, swag, and other items to sport your Homenetmen pride!

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